Abdominal aortic aneurysm is the thiny swelling of abdominal aorta.
Aorta is the main abdominal vessel which carry oxigeneted blood from heart to all over body. It occurs mostly at the age of 50-60
Cause – Exact cause of aneurysm is unknown but various factors influence like
1.High Blood pressure
3.High cholesterol level
And also other factors
Symptoms –
Most of cases are remain asymptomatic unless become 90 percent cover of disease
1. Abdominal pain
2. Abdominal pulsation
3. syncope
When abdominal aortic aneurysm blust it causes
1. severe pain
2. Syncope
3. 1 deth in 50 blust cases
This disease is like iceberg 90% of affected person remain asymptomatic and 10% only being symptomatic . Those who are symptomatic have chances of blast . Hence your doctor may advice for regular screening like-
1. Blood pressure monitoring
2. ultrasound
3. CT scan
Before rupture of a abdominal aortic aneurysm people will be advised for treatment.
1. surgical treatment – repair of aneurysm ( swelling part) there are two type of surgery
a. Endovascular surgery– in this surgery your surgeon makes a tiny cuts in your groin. after that a metallic-fabric tube called graft or mesh will placed at the area of swelling through leg artery. It has 99% success rate of fully recovery. This surgery has less risk than open surgery and complication also less.
b. Open surgery– in this surgery your surgeon makes a big cuts in your abdomen. your surgeon will remove swelled past of aorta and replace with silicon tube and stitched both end with aorta. This surgery has 92% success rate of fully recovery. It has more complication than Endovascular surgery. It has complication like deep vein thrombosis.
Usually your doctor don`t recommend to go for open surgery . After this surgery patient may face complication like death, heart attack, wound infection, chest infection, delay healing
2. medication – who don`t want surgery are advised to get medicine for blood pressure and other medication
3. quitting smoking
4. eating balance diet
5. maintaining body weight
6. regular exercise